
Singing to celebrate official opening of new Whiteley school

Scores of Whiteley parents and pupils sang and clapped together at a ceremony to welcome the Anglican Bishop of Portsmouth.

Cornerstone Primary School pupils wore mitres to meet Bishop Christopher. (l-r) Erika Shaw, Sienna Payne, Lucy Murray, the Bishop, Joe Snape, Georgina France, Isla Ainsworth and Erin Moody

Cornerstone Primary School pupils wore mitres to meet Bishop Christopher. (l-r) Erika Shaw, Sienna Payne, Lucy Murray, the Bishop, Joe Snape, Georgina France, Isla Ainsworth and Erin Moody

The Rt Rev Christopher Foster prayed for the children, teachers, parents and governors at Cornerstone Primary School to mark the official opening.

He talked to the youngsters about the importance of joining the corner pieces of Lego or a puzzle together, as a way to explain the school’s name, which relates to the Biblical concept of Jesus being the cornerstone of people’s faith. He also told them about his clothing and that he wears it during special occasions.

The four, five and six-year-old pupils thanked him for visiting the new Church of England school. They, along with pupils from Whiteley Primary, Sarisbury Infants and St Anthony’s Primary schools, sang a number of songs and performed dance moves to go with them.

Cornerstone Primary opened its doors in September after years of campaigning by Whiteley families.

Bishop Christopher thanked the designers and construction teams, as well as the hard work by the parent campaigners, school staff and the pupils.

“It’s wonderful to be here with you all today and everyone who has come to share this,” he said.

“We’re here to celebrate the creation of a school, which is made by  its children and its staff and serves its community.”

Watch our video of the celebration service

Executive head teacher Charlotte Weavers added: “Welcome to everybody here. It’s fabulous to see you all. We’ve got a big thank you to all the schools here to celebrate.

“We’d like to say a very big welcome to Bishop Christopher Foster who has come to open our school, bless our school and our service.”


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