
Latest planning applications

A list of the latest planning applications submitted to, and decisions made by, Fareham Borough Council.


Park Gate

3 Applewood, Park Gate. FTPO194 (G3) reduce 3 no cypress trees to 7 metres in height. Mr Harry Cosford. Case Officer: Paul Johnston – P/13/0918/TO


29 Hanoverian Way, Whiteley. Fell 2 no cherry trees covered by w1 of FTPO89 supressed by boundary woodland replace with 2 no oaks on nw boundary. Mrs Pauline Telfer. Case Officer: Paul Johnston – P/13/0902/TO


27 Catisfield Lane, Fareham. Remove fir trees on western boundary protruding sideways/blocking light. Crown lift 1 no. Monterey cyprus to 4 metres above ground level. Formative prune 1 no. Judas tree and prune branches away from dwelling. Mr and Mrs B Weller. Case Officer: Paul Johnston – P/13/0915/TC


30 Enterprise Close, Warsash. Erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension with demolition of rear conservatory. Mr and Mrs A Snudden. Case Officer: Richard Wright – P/13/0877/FP

160 Dibles Road, Warsash. Erection of two storey side extension. Mr Bjorn Sprake. Case Officer: Arleta Miszewska – P/13/0897/FP

70 Southmead Road, Fareham. Erection of single storey rear extension and detached double garage. Mrs C Green. Case Officer: Arleta Miszewska – P/13/0871/FP


Park Gate

4b Middle Road – Park Gate Butchers – Park Gate. Change of use from retail (butchers) to a5 (hot food takeaway). Mrs Lynsey Hussain. Approve – P/13/0531/CU

Titchfield Common

11 The Hurdles, Fareham. Erection of two storey side extension. Mr Antony Hudson. Approve – P/13/0737/FP


44 Osborne Road, Warsash. Erection of two/single storey rear extension including raising existing main roof and front porch. Mr A Smith. Approve – P/13/0610/FP

53 Hamble Park, Fleet End Road. Erection of porch on western elevation and single storey extension on the eastern elevation. Mr J Mcmullan. Approve – P/13/0795/FP


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