Patients urged to have say on health services delivery
Patients in the Western Wards have got the chance to influence the delivery of health services in the area if they attend a seminar being held in Fareham on Wednesday (November 13).
NHS Fareham and Gosport clinical commissioning group (CCG) will stage a seminars on ‘The NHS Belongs to the People: A Call to Action’ immediately before its governing body meeting at 1pm on Wednesday at Ferneham Hall.
The NHS England document A Call To Action recognises the successes of the NHS but also the current and future challenges facing it. It sets out the case for change for the NHS, suggesting the types of developments required and commits to a national programme of engagement with both NHS users and staff in order to generate further proposals.
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Sara Tiller, Chief Development Officer for the CCGs, said: “The GPs who lead both our CCGs really keen to get people’s views on the A Call To Action.
“Patients are already shaping our planning of their health services in a number of ways, including patient participation groups, community engagement committees and at stakeholder events across our area. and their opinions will be fed up the line to inform the NHS decision-making processes at national as well as local level.
“It’s so important for people to have their say – and we will use feedback and views expressed by patients, health service users and other members of the public to inform our planning and strategies. We will also feed their opinions from the seminars up the line to inform their NHS decision-making process at national and regional level.“
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